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A member registered Jan 10, 2024

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Ohhhh I’m also now just getting that the move 1 zone is part of the Attack action with those weapons.

Thanks for clarifying!

(1 edit)

In contrast, the following frame:

A LIGHT // FLASH with:

  • 2x Dagger
  • Light Thruster
  • MO
  • Light Reactor
  • MO
  • Light Thruster

Should be able to use each MO to move 1 zone each turn without taking an action, right?

Shoot. Found the answer to my question:

Processors of different kinds can both affect any equipment connected to them (for example, a Shield Resilience Processor and Shield Coverage Processor can affect the same Shield Generator but two Shield Resilience Processors can’t).

(1 edit)

Can multiple Mobile Offense Processors be connected to the same thrusters and weapon in order to grant multiple moves?

For reference, the following (poorly shopped) Frame:

A MED // NERVE with:

  • Light Reactor
  • Stun Needle
  • Ultra Thruster
  • 4x MO

Each MO is connected to thrusters of a larger size than the frame and also connected to a weapon. Would this frame be able to use each MO to move 1 zone each turn without taking an action?